Finance and Business
Do you need accurate and professional translation of financial documents?
The world of business and finance has its own highly specific jargon. Our translators and interpreters are not only excellent linguists but have a sound grasp of finance, financial laws and regulations and the standards used in different countries around the world.
Our greatest asset is talent!
We have the capacity and know-how to set up dedicated teams of translators specializing in business and finance and handle large projects within tight deadlines. Our project managers possess the necessary skill and experience in project planning and quality control.
We work with a standing team of professional translators and interpreters who possess a wealth of experience in the areas of accountancy, banking and finance.
INTERLANG has been the exclusive provider of translation and interpreting services to the Ministry of Finance since 2005. Some of the more important documents we have translated for them include the Bulgarian State Budget Act (translated annually); the State Debt Review (2010 and 2011); the Public Finance Act (2012); the State Debt Management Strategy for the period 2012-2014; the Convergence Programmes of the Republic of Bulgaria for the periods 2012-2015 and 2013-2016, respectively; The National Programme for Reform under the Europe 2020 Strategy (updated in 2012); the Good Practice Guide developed under a public administration reform project financed from the European Social Fund; IMF reports; economic, financial and methodological analyses and reports drawn up by experts of the Ministry of Finance and other European institutions etc.
INTERLANG maintains an up-to-date terminological database in the area of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the International Accounting Standards (IAS) in Bulgarian and all major European languages.

We can translate:
- Financial reports
- Credit reports
- Financial analyses
- Bank statements
- Capital investment feasibility studies
- Annual financial reports and analyses
- Profit and loss accounts
- Balance sheets
- Investment documents etc.
Contact us today by completing our online enquiry/order form, by e-mail or by phone on +359 2 808171. It will be our pleasure to give you a quote that is customised to any specific requirements you may have.